Sunday, June 30, 2013

Basics: Modding Hair via Gibbed

If you've been reading my post on hair, you'll notice each one has 2 lines of code associated with them.  You'll need these to change your Shepard's hair via Gibbed.

Where do they go?!

Open up the save you want to edit and navigate over to the "Raw" tab.  Click 
Player -> Appearance -> Head Morph 

This is what we're interested in.

"Hair Mesh" is where you enter the 1st line (it ends in the suffix -MDL)

Open "Texture Parameters" by clicking the box that looks like this [...]
and a second window will open.

HAIR_Diff and HAIR_Mask is where the 2nd line goes (it ends in the suffix -Diff)

Hit okay to close the texture window, save your changes and you're done.


  1. I can't change the collections, even installing framework 4. An Idea ? Thanks.

    1. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what's going wrong there.

    2. when i was doing this, i had to click a little button saying "..." at the end of line, so click on Texture Parameters and a little button should appear at the end of that line, click it and the second window will pop up.

    3. Thanks, that makes sense. I've updated the tut in case anyone else misses this.

  2. Hey, umm, when I open Texture Parameters, there is nothing under Members and nothing under properties.. It's just empty? What do I need to do? Thanks.

    1. Did you open one of your save game files? Just opening Gibbed and going to the Raw Tab...won't do it. You have to save your ME3 game, open Gibbed, click the "Open" button at the top of Gibbed, then navigate to your ME3 save game that you want to edit. THEN follow ELE08's instructions.

    2. I did open my save but i still don't get anything when clicking ... on the texture parameter line, is it because I'm using a default Shepard or what?

  3. So, I followed the directions to a T and when i try to load my game with the Brooks hair mod. Game crashes. Any ideas? Or am I just missing something?

    1. maybe you just did that mistake what I did: I had a space before the code for the hair mesh. Or maybe before the other line too >.<

  4. Hmm. For me the HAIR_Diff and HAIR_Mask wasn't there? So do I add them there manually? And the James Hair Mesh doesn't work right. I get the Mohawk but the rest of the head is bald -.- Could anyone help me how to fix it? Most appreciated :)

    1. Exact same problem here, and when I add them myself, I get the hair fully transparent. Anyone can help resolve this issue?

  5. I have no [...] button next to "Hair Mesh". Any ideas how to fix that?

    1. I also have this problem. Not sure what I did wrong though.

    2. I have this same problem. I wish someone could say why...

  6. I followed the steps but when I return to the game my femshep is invisible and when I go to squad screen there is no shep pic, just her powers,etc.

  7. i did ME3 Explorer, load the exact save on Gibbed, every procedure with no problems at all, i have all dlcs, i even fix framework, BUT nothing happens :c

  8. to everybody who are having trouble having the texture parameters collection show:
    this might be because you are using the original face, and not a custom one during character creation, there are 2 things you can do: 1. import a headmorph, this will make it all appear, or 2. create a new character and use custom face this time.

    if it's caused by something else, then idk, but importing a headmorph should work :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thanks for the explanations.
    In my case, the Gibbed save-editor opened with my last ME3 savegame already in place in the interface, which leads to the inability to edit the added code. It's a touch confusing the first time around.
    Re-opening the save-game (which is already opened) solves the problem and confusion. So, again, whatever the case when opening "Gibbed.MassEffect3.SaveEdit", you HAVE to open a savegame nevertheless in order to be able to edit the content in the "texture parameter" box...

  11. Hi I've been trying to figure out how to use Save editor to change my character's hair to the default Femshep hair that isn't available in the custom options. I've been using the codes and saving them onto save editor but when I go to turn on Mass Effect 3 a window pops up from Origin that says my data doesn't match, go with cloud or local data and I choose local data but it didn't work :/ any ideas why that is?

  12. Okay, So I'm using the directions given in the rar file I unzipped, the problem I run into is there is no "PCConsoleTOC.bin file located under your game's BioGame folder". I cry. So then the update portion never happens :(

  13. yes the same here default shepherd has no option about hair diff or hair mask nothing at that section even toggled me3 explorer.Fucking bioware.

  14. I can change the hair mesh, but I have no '[...]' next to it. I get one in every other field I click on, but not that one. I've edited hair before, I can't imagine why I can't NOW.

  15. Does this only work for ME3 save files? I can't seem to open my ME1 saves with Gibbed... I've been following these instructions ( ) which I thought were for the first game?

  16. I'm sorry but I can't figure out anything I'm supposed to enter because I can't see the full lines in the pictures.
