Stuff goes in the stuff.
Mass Effect 3 modding.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Last Update
For anyone passing through, this is probably my last post here! Between tumblr and the Nexus sites, I'm just waaay to lazy to be everyw...
Sunday, March 2, 2014
How to convert and individually install ME3 mods in PCC format
A lot of older mods for Mass Effect 3 are PCC install instead of .mods, meaning they overwrite anything you already have installed in a part...
Thursday, January 16, 2014
ME3 Character Texture Overhaul
DOWNLOAD for texmod Install textures permanently using ME3Explorer's TPF Tools. Guide by Ottemis. This mod aims to make the char...
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
ME3 Mod: "Helena" Outfit
This mod replaces the dress. DOWNLOAD Source Files for modders Update 2.22.2014 .mod download - ME3Explorer mod maker installer fo...
Mass Effect 3 Mod: Kyoko Hair
DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Follow the installation instructions HERE 2. Use Gibbed to mod the following hair mesh and t...
Friday, December 6, 2013
About comments and mod support
This is a public service announcement: I do not answer comments here. There are only so many social media fronts I can keep tabs on withou...
Sunday, November 24, 2013
ME1-3 Texmod: Male Face Texture
This is the custom texture I made for my male Commander Shepard, Aiden. I made it for him, so it's not going to work great as a univers...
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